
Welcome to the FAA - the UK’s leading networking association for foreign airline executives.

Whether you are a Country Manager, General Manager or a Commercial Executive representing a foreign carrier in the UK, the FAA provides the perfect platform to promote your airline and meet like-minded airline executives in a non-competitive, professional yet informal environment.

We provide a wonderful opportunity to get together with Aviation colleagues to share insights on commercial issues and opportunities, whilst adhering to competition law, in a relaxed social setting.


What’s great about THE FAA?

In existence for over 75 years, the Foreign Airlines Association UK was set up to allow overseas senior executives the opportunity to build a network of contacts and exchange cultural experiences during their posting in London.

The philosophy of the association remains broadly the same today, but acknowledges that the diversity of where senior country management now originates from has changed.

Make a difference - together

Today, the association hosts regular networking events, allowing members to meet and discuss matters of mutual interests. We continue to add value to the membership through presentations and talks from leading influencers from both inside and outside the industry on a wide range of topics relating to running a successful airline business in the UK.

Types of membership »

Support network

FAA’s ultimate goal is to ensure members are given the opportunity to share ideas, views, recommendations, challenges and concerns in a friendly environment in order to help them find practical and tested solutions among a support network of skilled and likeminded peers. Join us, remember the journey is always more important than the destination!

Summer Reception

The most recent FAA event took place in June to celebrate the end of day one at the Business Travel Show, it was a great opportunity to catch up with industry friends and associates…


The world’s longest established association of its kind, facilitating the exchange of expertise and best practice among the foreign airline community, here in the UK.

— FAA, Foreign Airlines Association UK


FAA Spring 2023 Lunch

At our Spring event, we enjoyed delicious food and drinks at The Arber Garden in Fitzrovia. We were enlightened by Chris Tarry, who is one of the most respected Aviation Economists in the world. He pens a monthly column for airline business and we were thrilled to hear his wisdom and insights. At every FAA event, we introduce our members to a new speaker. Don’t miss out, join us next time!